Workshops & Events

Each of us needs ways to empty the vessels of our lives, distill accumulated experience, and reflect on its meaning. Writing urges reflection and provides an opportunity for personal and professional transformation and renewal, sometimes in provocative ways.

My writing workshops are designed for writers beginning to hone their craft. I also work with professionals in a variety of fields whose interest in writing may begin with a desire to sharpen their skills for their work-related writing, but who soon become interested in the art itself, whether in the form of personal essay or fiction.

I am particularly interested in the art of the personal essay or memoir and have taught workshops on these genres at conferences, universities and colleges, and in community settings.

Workshops are tailored to the needs of a group interested in exploring ways to transform idea into word. Participants gain skills related to the craft of writing, learn practices meant to overcome “writing blocks”, and experience giving and receiving critique in respectful, non-defensive ways intended to improve communication.

Workshops can be structured as one- two- or week-long events.  Ideal registration is between 9-12 persons. Fees vary; please contact me for an estimate.


Currently, I am an Associate Editor of Brevity, an online literary journal of flash non-fiction.

As one of the founding editors of an internationally recognized academic journal, The International Feminist Journal of Politics, I also have extensive experience editing academic writing.

I can provide manuscript or proposal editing for general non-fiction on an hourly fee-for-services basis.


I am particularly committed to exploring interdisciplinary work in the arts. I have worked with artists and performers on the development and implementation of visual and performing arts and writing workshops.

For example, I gave a reading from Living Between Danger and Love, and led a discussion at a performance of Refuge, a dance theatre piece produced by Eveoke, a community based dance theatre company in San Diego. Refuge used movement and hip-hop artistry to raise awareness about gender-based violence.

Curriculum Vitae and References Available on Request.